January 22, 2025
Letter to the Faithful: Jubilee 2025 Relics Tour of the Canadian Martyrs
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
The Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton is pleased to collaborate with the Jesuits of Canada to host a national tour of the relics of St. Kateri Tekakwitha, the Catholic Church’s first canonized Indigenous woman in North America, and those of those of the first Jesuit Missionary Martyrs. St. Kateri Tekakwitha was canonized in 2012 and holds a special place in the hearts of Indigenous communities.
The holders of these relics, which have been housed at the National Shrine to the Canadian Martyrs in Midland, Ont., have embarked on a nationwide tour and will be at Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples – the national Indigenous parish – and Corpus Christi, one of the largest parishes in the Archdiocese of Edmonton, on January 22nd.
This is an historic opportunity to venerate the relics and seek spiritual graces during this Jubilee Year 2025, and to pray that this act of veneration of Canadian saints be for us all, as pilgrims of hope, a moment of genuine, personal encounter with Christ. In the context of our pastoral priorities, the Archdiocese of Edmonton sees in the lives of St. Kateri and the Canadian Jesuit Martyrs examples of proclaiming the Gospel as confident witnesses to our faith in Jesus Christ.
We pray that the relics tour will help foster ongoing and new efforts at Reconciliation desired by Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, especially by showcasing the unique expression of Catholic faith that has developed over the centuries for Indigenous Catholics in Canada.
For individuals, the relics tour is an opportunity for personal prayer and reflection. Attendees are encouraged to bring written prayer intentions, which will be taken back to the Martyrs’ Shrine. Holy cards, rosaries, and medals can also be pressed to the reliquaries to create spiritual keepsakes.
As the relics continue their journey across Canada, the Jesuits of Canada invite all people — Catholic and non-Catholic alike — to open their hearts to moments of grace and reconciliation. This tour offers a unique chance to connect with Canada’s history and spiritual heritage. We invite your participation through prayer, reflection, and learning about the history of the saints.
Yours sincerely in our Lord,
Richard W. Smith
Archbishop of Edmonton
Rev. Garry LaBoucane, O.M.I.
Pastor – Our Lady of Seven Sorrows Parish, Maskwacis
Published on The Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton website