The flame of Saint Eugene will never switch off


The flame of Saint Eugene will never switch off

The Kenyan mission through the Vocation Office has received 8 candidates for workshop from 24th to 27th September 2019. Alphonce ODERO, John KIOKO MAUNDU, Eugene IKAAL, Daniel SIMIYU NATO, Leo ODONGO, Joseph ONYANGO OTIENO, Emmanual WANDAGO OKUMU and Gregory MUTINDA NDUTU, responded positively to the invitation of the vocation office to attend the workshop. These are young people who might be in the postulancy next year 2020. They came from different corners of the country. The 8 of them are very energetic and committed to the church and to their faith. Three Oblates were leading the workshop, Frs Faustin Litanda (Vocation Director), Pascal Soki and Brother Phelix Johya. There were presentations on Oblatology, by Bro. Phelix Johya, OMI (Founder, Charism, history of the congregation, etc.), Discipleship (By Fr Pascal Soki, OMI) and Discernment of Vocation (by Fr Faustin, OMI). Father Cosmas Kithinji shared with the candidates his life experience and father Fidel, the Mission Superior interacted with them on the expectation of the Kenya Mission and OMI Lacombe Canada Province and also the missionary dimension of the congregation. The candidates showed their talents in sport through the volleyball game which opposed them to the prenovices in Karen Community (Nairobi). The workshop took place at the Carmelite Discalced Order spiritual center in Karen, Nairobi. The Lacombe Province has vocations in Kenya. With the presence of these young people coming to join us, we believe that the fire of Saint Eugene, the founder of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate will never switch off but will always burn.

By Faustin Litanda, OMI