Prayer Requests & Novenas

Every day we receive notes from you, our friends and family, asking for special prayers for yourselves and others you care for deeply. We are honoured to share your life experiences and respect your personal intentions.

Prayer is our very human way of being in conversation with God and especially by being in touch with our innermost feelings. We surrender ourselves to God – and in doing so, we surrender ourselves to one another.

The Oblates wish to pray with you and for you. We invite you to submit your prayer requests at any time through email at or through postal mail to:

AMMI Lacombe Canada MAMI
Box 26119, RPO Lawson Heights
Saskatoon, SK
S7K 8C1

Novena of Prayer

Novenas are a traditional and popular form of prayer for Catholics. A Novena is when a series of prayers are given for nine days straight for a special intention and is seen as devotion offered as a sacrifice to God. There are many Novenas to choose from to different saints and they only require a commitment of a few minutes a day for nine or more days.

You can decide on a very specific intention or something general that is important to you or for someone you care about. You can say Novenas as often as you like. It’s helpful to set aside a certain time every day so you won’t forget. All you need is an intention, an open heart and a few minutes a day.

AMMI Lacombe Canada MAMI organizes a Novena annually in the Spring. During this occasion, hundreds of people, both Mission Associates and Oblates, are praying together as one family. Each day a special Mass is offered by our missionaries for you and your loved ones. We encourage you to also pray for the women and men engaged in carrying out the works of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate around the world.