Blessing of God for the Blessed Joseph Gerard Postulancy – 2020
Pictured left: The Postulants after the official reception at the new Kenya Mission House of Hospitality and Administration, Karen (Feb. 17, 2020) – L-R: Eugene Ikaal, John Kioko Maunda, Fr. Faustin Litanda, OMI (Vocations Director), Emmanuel Wandago.
God has blessed the Kenya Mission with three candidates for the year 2020. The young men come with a variety of talents and gifts, and started their journey of discernment on the 1st February, 2020, in our Blessed Joseph Gerard Postulancy at Kisaju, Kenya.
Having gone through two weeks of orientation, the candidates spent a day in solitude preparing for the official inauguration of the Postulancy programme during our great Oblate feast, 17th Feb, 2020: Approbation of Oblate Constitutions and Rules.
Reflecting on the day one of the candidates, John Kioko Maunda wrote: “I was happy together with our two brothers to be initiated for the Postulancy Programme in order to begin the journey of discernment”, he then added, “and we were given crosses as a sign of the suffering of Christ to encourage us in our ministry.”
Fr. Fidel officiated the Holy Eucharist, and welcomed the candidates into the Postulancy Programme, with everyone present assenting with loud applause.
The pentagonal components of the formation programme, namely: Human, Spiritual, Pastoral, Intellectual and Oblate Way of Life (community); will gradually support them as they integrate each into the path of discernment.
The example of involvement by the candidates in the formation house activities has already proved the seriousness of the candidates and revealed a healthy spirit of generosity. Referring back to the normal activities of Sport and Manual work, Eugene Ikaal wrote: “through these activities we join together as a community and build together as community.”