An Encounter, An Invitation,
and A New Vision
The Mazenodian Family Experience
It began for me with an encounter and an invitation! It took place 20 years ago over wine and cheese at a parent advisory Christmas party at a west end Catholic high school. An Oblate parish having an Oblate parish mission in need of a coordinator and a newcomer desiring to connect into a faith community in a new city. “Yes”, I’ll do it”, led to encounters with other Oblate priests, brothers, friends in mission, lay people in Oblate ministries, and more invitations. It opened the door to beautiful experiences of community, rich spiritual experiences and a deep sense of belonging. Now, as an Oblate Associate of OMI Lacombe Canada and Co-District Animator of Brother Anthony Community I continue to experience this same deep sense of belonging.
“My heart is at home in the Oblate community”.
And so, when I received an invitation to attend the Mazenodian Family Vocational Congress this past January in San Antonio, Texas, I was delighted to say ‘yes’. I have always enjoyed my experience of Oblate events. And, in all honesty, it was not hard to consider escaping our Canadian winter in January for a few days!
The Mazenodian Family Vocational Congress was a unique title that left me curious. It was the first time I had not heard the word Oblate used in a gathering with Oblates present! As the days unfolded, so did the vision that Fr. Frank Santucci presented. It became clear that the use of the word Mazenodian (and not Macedoniain!) was because in his vision it was the charism of St. Eugene de Mazenod that was at the center. St. Eugene’s canonization in 1995 declared him a saint of the universal church, he reminded us. This follows that the charism is inclusive, extending out to others, vowed and non-vowed alike. He drew a circle with the charism of St. Eugene in the middle of the circle and the various aspects of the Mazenodian family around it—Oblates, associates, employees, partners, affiliates, MAMI … eight different groups in total. Even though the structure in the US is different than in Canada, the vision presented of the charism of St. Eugene being central seemed like a paradigm shift to me. Yet, as I listened and reflected on it this vision felt expansive, inclusive and full of potential.
While there is so much that could be said about the Congress, it was a conversation I had with of one of the young men who had been an Oblate affiliate and decided to get married that stayed with me. He told me how much hope this congress gave him. He realized he could be part of the Mazenodian family and live out the charism of St. Eugene as a married man. His joy was obvious. He was working with youth in a parish in LA and I couldn’t help but wonder how the charism would go out through him and inspire vocations.
This February I watched three people make their first commitment as Associates of OMI Lacombe Canada and 10 people renew their commitments. I then watched several Oblate priests and brothers renew their vows. It was a joy-filled occasion. The relationship between Oblates and Associates is often described as life-giving! We walk together in the footsteps of St. Eugene deMazenod, connected by the charism, each in our own vocation, ministry, or way of live striving to make a difference in the world. Associates proudly wear their Oblate crosses, reminding them of their commitment to community, prayer, formation and mission. In many ways a Mazenodian family experience!
Which takes me back to my original experience 20 years ago. It was an encounter and an invitation that drew me into a wonderful journey with the Oblate community … with the Mazenodian family.
How many people are waiting for just such an encounter and an invitation to become part of something where they can say ‘my heart is at home with the Oblates’? All we have to do is ask.
“See I am making something new; can you perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:19)
By Debbie Doornbos – Provincial Associate