Faith-in-Action Campaign


Faith-in-Action Campaign

For the Love of Creation‘s faith-in-action campaign mobilizes people across Canada to reduce household greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and demonstrate support for increased federal climate action.

The campaign runs February 17 (Ash Wednesday) to October 4, 2021 (the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi and the end of the Season of Creation). It will include a public witness event on April 22, Earth Day.

Join us!

  1. Make a personal pledge to reduce your GHG emissions and engage in acts of solidarity with justice-seeking communities.
  2. Share your pledge and call on federal Cabinet Ministers to commit the Government of Canada to:

A. Increase our national GHG emissions reduction target and invest in a just transition to a fair, inclusive, green economy;

B. Implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, including, but not limited to, the right of free, prior and informed consent;

C. Commit equal support for climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in the Global South.