Your faith has made you well


Your faith has made you well

In Sunday’s gospel we hear two miracle stories. We have a young girl on her death bed, brought back to life by Jesus and we also have the woman that has been unwell for many years. In both cases Jesus “saves” them. In the first story Jesus takes an active approach and goes to the girl. He is summoned by those that love her and are pleading for her life, as she isn’t capable of asking for Jesus’ help. In the other story, we see that all that is needed is for the woman to believe that Jesus will heal her.

If all the woman had to do was have faith, why then, had she been suffering for so long? It is entirely possible that this woman had only just learned of Jesus. We know that his ministry didn’t last very long, and that at this time she had been hemorrhaging for 12 years. How can this be relevant to us, as most of us have known about Jesus for our entire lives? Well, we may know of him, but do we know him?

Like this woman, we may feel at times like we are alone; that we have explored all of the options, consulted all of the experts, and still nothing can make us whole. The question we can ask is, what is Jesus doing during this time of pain. It can feel like he isn’t paying attention to us? Why do we have to go through pain and suffering in our lives?

I recently read these words by Father Ron Rolheiser I’m convinced that God calls each of us to a vocation and to a special work here on earth more on the basis of our wounds than on the basis of our gifts. Our gifts are real and important; but they only grace others when they are shaped into a special kind of compassion by the uniqueness of our own wounds. Our unique, special wounds can help make each of us a unique, special healer.” If Jesus were to come and heal all of our wounds or even allow them to never happen, what would we have to offer our community? We need to know pain and suffering so that we can be merciful within our community. We will know Christ by knowing each other. If I have learned nothing else through my journey as an Oblate associate, it is the importance of community.

As for the young girl, there will always be times that we are incapable of asking for help, and this is another reason why community is so important. We are called to live in community, to know each other’s gift and talents, as well as each other’s needs; so that when things have gotten to the point that we are facing certain death, there will be others to intercede for us.

And so, through knowing community and having faith in Jesus, He will always make himself available to us. Even when we think he isn’t paying attention to us, when if it feels like it is too late; or when we feel we have tried everything. And isn’t that the whole point? Everything will not be ok, until we turn our lives over to Jesus. We can consult all of the doctors, and experts we like. And even though it may help for a while, even if we feel that we are healed; the need for faith is eventual. We need to have faith and trust in God. We can come to Him at any time. Jesus and our belief in him can make the impossible possible. And only then, through our faith will we be made well.

By Serena Shaw
Vocation Team – Oblate Associate