Hiding in Plain Sight
Matthew shares a story about how Jesus is revealed to Peter in this Sunday’s Gospel account. By questioning Simon, Jesus guides him to the truth rather than by just proclaiming it. Jesus is so gentle; though He is open to us, He never forces Himself upon us. Not only is this gentle, but it also makes us responsible. God is present to us constantly; there are many ways to be open to God. Yet, we must be willing to look for God. Scripture, theologians, and our circumstances are available to help us see God revealed in the world. The question is, are we open to this revelation.
I am heading into the final year of my Theology degree, and I often get the question, “What will you do when you are finished.” I have had a standard answer for the last two years, “God hasn’t told me yet!”. However, lately, I have wondered if I have been open to hearing God. When it comes to my studies, I put my head down and go. Being a mature student has made me want to finish my studies quickly; I have taken a full course load in all semesters. Yet, this makes me feel at times that I am very much in my head when it comes to my faith. I’m pretty confident that I may not have the perspective needed to understand God’s will by not paying more attention to my heart.
Jesus is praising Peter for being open to seeing God, not in the concrete, but in the abstract. Peter trusted in God’s revelation, and because of this, Jesus told him how great his reward would be. It is on this trust and faith that the Church will be built. Wanting proof that things are real is not wrong, but when it comes to faith, there needs to be a belief that God is here for us. This will only happen if we are willing to see God and acknowledge when He is reveals himself to us; this is our responsibility. God is hiding in plain sight, but what will we do with that.
As people of faith, we must be open to new ways of seeing and hearing from God. This is the only way we can be sure we to follow God’s will in our lives.
What will I do at the end of this academic year? As I head to Ottawa for the fall semester, I look forward to seeing and hearing God in places I’ve yet to look. It is only with the faith and hope that God will reveal Herself that I know I will see Her. I know that only then, will I have the answer to the question.
By Serena Shaw
Vocation Team – Oblate Associate
Phone: (780) 231-3066
Email: serenashaw641@gmail.com