Moving Forward!
Oblate Associates OMI Lacombe Canada Task Force for Visioning


Moving Forward!
Oblate Associates OMI Lacombe Canada Task Force for Visioning

On October 26-27, 2018 the Task Force created to assist OMI Lacombe Canada in moving forward with Oblate Association met in St. Albert, AB. Present at the meeting were Debbie Doornbos, Pamela Dixon, Dan Friedt, Fr. Susai Jesu, Serena Shaw, David Sax, Fr. Ken Thorson and Sandra Prather. Darcie Lich was unable to be present but offered her written comments.

The Task Force began by considering carefully the information gathered from the membership, both Oblates and Associates, in the two surveys about Association. They discussed at length the blessings, challenges, hope and visions presented. With that in mind, they engaged in a brainstorming process to envision the future of Association in the Province. They identified key elements of the vision and named potential growth points for each. Finally, they offered strategies to bring about such growth.

The vision is encapsulated in two statements.

As we look to the future,

  • We believe Oblate Associates in OMI Lacombe Canada will live their call to the charism more deeply in apostolic service and community;
  • Oblates and Oblate Associates will move towards a deeper cooperation and integration of Associates by Oblates and Leadership Teams at every level in the Province.

The key elements identified were: Ministries, Community, Recruitment, Formation, Animation and Creating Open Spaces. Growth points and strategies were developed for each element.

A Final Report was submitted and approved at the November Provincial Council Meeting

Next Steps.

The proposed next steps for the Visioning Process will be to invite the Task Force to meet in the new year to flesh out the strategies and prioritize them for implementation by the Province.

By Sandra Prather, HOMI – Provincial Animator