Mud in your eye


Mud in your eye

On the third day of creation the ground emerged from the waters.  Israel became a new creation by passing through water on dry ground in the Exodus.  The Sabbath was the day on which Jews were to honor their recreation.

Unfortunately, by following by focusing on secondary traditions more than the primary tradition Jesus’ religious contemporaries could not see in his words and deeds the completion of creation.  By healing the man born blind on the Sabbath with mud Jesus created a challenge to look deeper into the meaning of their tradition.

We are all born into a blindness or a way of thinking that is based more on separateness, scarcity and alienation than on unity, wholeness and relatedness.  Leaving the dark bliss of the womb we enter a world of light and shadow.  Pain and disorientation make us fearful of being exposed by the light and we hide in the shadows.

Coping with our insecurity sometimes requires projecting the shadow onto others that do not fit our code of holiness.

There is an important freedom that comes from admitting that sometimes you don’t know.  This is not ignorance but space for revelation to occur.  Practicing “don’t know” can relieve us of a lot of stress that comes from always trying to have control.  For the man born blind his “don’t know” was met with revelation and recognition of Jesus.  The don’t know of the pharisees led to indignation and a closing of their minds to Jesus.

“Don’t know” can be a powerful element in vocational maturity.  It is a counter point to certainty which when focused secondary matters can keep us from seeing our calling to its completion.

Practice some prayerful “don’t know” and see what relief and new sight may emerge to send you to your place in completing creation with Jesus.


By Mark Blom, OMI

To contact Fr. Mark for advice about discernment and vocation direction.  He can meet with you by phone to conduct a short vocation assessment to help you find your way.  Contact him at to arrange for an appointment.