A New Chapter in Vocation Ministry


A New Chapter in Vocation Ministry

“’Jesus never ceases to call people to follow him and to proclaim the Kingdom’ (C. 52). We are convinced that Christ always provides the Church with the ministers that are necessary. It is up to us to discover effective ways of presenting our Oblate vocation to people today.”

General Norms for Oblate Formation No. 78

Last fall I was asked to lead a Vocation Taskforce to evaluate, discern and strategize vocation ministry within our Province. It was truly an insightful journey as we shared our own experiences, learned from others and dared to dream about new possibilities.

We quickly realized that vocation ministry cannot be expected solely from the Vocation Director(s). It’s the responsibility of every Oblate and those who share the Oblate charism, especially in the cultural context.

In today’s world, the way of life is being seen as a “career” rather than a vocation, an answer to God’s calling and purpose of life. It’s our responsibility to foster and create a culture of vocations in each one’s respective ministries, families and communities. We are called as members of the Mazenodian Family, to understand vocation as a way of life and participate in witnessing to Oblate vocations, and creating a culture of vocation in our daily encounters with others.

Early this year the Vocation Taskforce presented to the Provincial Council a concrete proposal for a way forward in vocation ministry within our province. I did not know then that I was “working” myself into a new ministry.

I’m humbled and challenged by this ministry call, when I was asked to take on Vocation Director’s responsibility. I knew I couldn’t do it by myself, so I’m grateful for every member of the Vocation Team who said “yes” to this challenging task:

Vocation Contact – West

Fr. Susai Jesu, OMI
Phone: (587) 335-2015
Email: soosaijesu@gmail.com



Oblate Associate

Serena Shaw
Phone: (780) 231-3066
Email: seshaw@shaw.ca



Vocation Contact – Central

Fr. Arokia Vijay Deivanayagam, OMI
Phone: (431) 373-6342
Email: vijaydomi2006@yahoo.co.in  



Vocation Contact – East

Fr. Richard Beaudette, OMI
Phone: (613) 806-3435
Email: vicar1@omilacombe.ca 



I’m looking forward to working together with the team, who are passionate about and dedicated to the discernment and active involvement in accompanying young men thinking about religious life and the priesthood. Even though there are still some logistical details that need to be worked out, we’ve already begun our ministry. In times like this, COVID19 pandemic, it often provokes reflection on priorities in life, meaning and purpose, hearing a certain call to ministry. The Vocation Team is in place and present to take this journey of faith with others. We are currently preparing for the Vocation Sunday (4th Sunday of Easter – May 3, 2020) and our Novena Prayer for Vocations to Oblate Religious Life (May, 21-29). Stay tuned for more info coming soon!

Please keep our team in prayers! And continue your prayers for Oblate Vocation to the religious life and priesthood!

Vocation Director

Fr. Jarek Pachocki OMI
Phone: (905) 522-9828 Ext 305
Email: vocations@omilacombe.ca
Instagram: @jarekpach
Twitter: @jarekpachocki
Facebook: /jarek.pachocki

“Dear friends, on this day in particular, but also in the ordinary pastoral life of our communities, I ask the Church to continue to promote vocations. May she touch the hearts of the faithful and enable each of them to discover with gratitude God’s call in their lives, to find courage to say “yes” to God, to overcome all weariness through faith in Christ, and to make of their lives a song of praise for God, for their brothers and sisters, and for the whole world.”

Pope Francis, World Day of Prayer for Vocations, 2020