ORCIE Update: Summary of Meeting with Minister Guilbeault


ORCIE Update: Summary of Meeting with Minister Guilbeault

The Office of Religious Congregations for Integral Ecology (ORCIE) is pleased to provide an update on the recent virtual meeting with Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada, which took place on August 28, 2024. The discussion, involving ORCIE, KAIROS, and Citizens for Public Justice, focused on encouraging greater ambition from Canada in meeting climate targets. The participants agreed on the mutual benefits of closer collaboration and confirmed the best ways to establish ongoing relationships with Minister Guilbeault and his officials to advance shared goals of decarbonization and a just transition for workers.

Follow the link below to a letter detailing the key outcomes of the meeting, including Minister Guilbeault’s positive response to the advocacy efforts and his willingness to arrange an in-person meeting with church leaders.