PETITION – For the Love of Creation
- We are called as people of faith to love and care for creation;
- Canadian churches and faith-based organizations have united under the banner “For the Love of Creation”;
- The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every aspect of our lives and exacerbated existing vulnerabilities;
- Respecting the interconnectedness of creation is critical for climate action, ecological and economic integrity, right relations with Indigenous Peoples, and for holistic recovery;
- The shift in human behaviour resulted in modest, but unsustainable, emissions reductions and demonstrated the scientific imperative of systems change to limit warming; and
- We can build back better.
We, the undersigned, residents of Canada and members of Canadian faith communities,, call upon the Government of Canada to:
1. Commit to reducing Canadian GHG emissions by 60 percent below 2005 levels by 2030, while investing in a just transition to a fair, inclusive, green economy that creates good secure jobs, and promotes the well-being of everyone in Canada;
2. Honour the rights of Indigenous peoples by animating the principle of free, prior and informed consent, particularly in the context of climate policy, energy policy, and infrastructure development, key to a robust and functioning right of free prior and informed consent is legislative implementation of the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;
3. Commit equal support for climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in the Global South through international climate financing mechanisms, with additional funding for loss and damage, scaling up to a fair share contribution of at least $4 billion USD per year;
4. Respond to the pandemic in the Global South through multilateral debt cancellation and increased grant-based support for Canadian international NGOs.
Please feel free to sign the petition today!
You may care to note that signing a parliamentary e-petition is a two-step process. Once you sign, you will receive an email that you will need to click in order to confirm your signature. Signatures will be accepted until October 6, 2020, when the petition will be read into the Parliamentary record – so feel free to circulate this link appropriately until then!