Pointing Toward “The Other”


Pointing Toward “The Other”

The Word that is proclaimed this weekend gives us concrete and powerful clues regarding our lives as disciples of Jesus.

Sharing his call, Isaiah proclaims that he is honoured in the sight of the Lord and that God has become his strength. Isaiah does not take the role of prophet on himself; rather, it is bestowed on him by God who sends him to be a light to the nations. God assures Isaiah that he is to rely on God as he lives out his mission. Isaiah is invited to trust in God’s direction and gifts in living out his call. One of my maternal grandmother’s favourite phrases, when confronted with a difficult or very uncertain situation and asked about the outcome was: “Maybe yes, maybe no, whatever God wants.” Her complete and utter trust in God’s love was a model and inspiration for me in my own life. That kind of trust allows one to respond readily and without anxiety to whatever God’s call might be or entail.

Paul also refers to his call, recognizing that his mission is to point the way to Jesus, to make his presence in our world known to everyone we encounter along the journey. Whatever state of life we live, the basic call to discipleship is the same for all. Having been called to be disciples, we are to trust in the call, in God’s love and strength and point the way to Jesus.

Like John the Baptist, we have been called from birth. We are created in the divine image and called to be images of the divine in our world. John was quite clear – he was not the Messiah, he was the forerunner, he was to point to the Messiah when he came. Called to be images of the divine, we do not claim divinity, but point to the divine present in our world. Like John, we learn over and over who Jesus is and then strive to point out his presence among us, to make him known.

By Richard Beaudette, OMI
Vocation Team