Vocation Marriage Café
Have you ever looked at the marriage as a vocation? In Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis wrote:
“Marriage is a vocation, inasmuch as it is a response to a specific call to experience conjugal love as an imperfect sign of the love between Christ and the Church. Consequently, the decision to marry and to have a family ought to be the fruit of a process of vocational discernment (no. 72).” So, let’s talk about it!
In the spirit of creating and cultivating the culture of vocation, we’ve introduced this summer a virtual “Vocations Café”. It’s not a webinar or an online lecture… Vocations Café is a conversation! We invite people from different walks of life: religious brothers and sisters, priests, married couples or persons embracing single life. Remember a Vocation is our answer to God’s call and we all have a Vocation. It’s where we find our purpose and meaning in life.
Vocations Café is not a scheduled event. It happens when someone says; “Let’s have a cup of coffee”. It’s LIVE streamed on OMI Lacombe Canada Facebook Page fb.me/missionaryoblates and it provides an opportunity to ask questions and fully engage in the conversation.
This Saturday, October 24 at 12noon Eastern Time I will virtually “have a coffee” with Christina and Robert Mines and we will chat about vocation to the married and family life. Christina is the Director of Youth Ministry in the Diocese of Hamilton, and her husband Robert is a special education teacher. Join us online!
Let’s pray for and encourage Vocations to the religious life and priesthood as we create a culture of vocation in family life!
By Jarek Pachocki, OMI
OMI Lacombe Canada – Vocation Director